Sunday, October 17, 2010

10 steps to a more Earth friendly life

Earth friendly living doesn't have to be complicated. You can make small changes starting right now. Here are ten easy ways to get started being more eco-friendly:

  1. When you grab your mail, immediately drop the junk mail into a stack for recycling. We keep a paper grocery bag behind the kitchen counter next to the phone for easy paper recycling.
  2. Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. 
  3. Turn your thermostat up (or down) just a couple of degrees. 
  4. Change a light bulb from the traditional type to a compact fluorescent. 
  5. Start recycling aluminum or plastic or glass (or all three!)
  6. Run the dishwasher only when it is full.
  7. Use a vinegar and water solution for general purpose cleaning. Vinegar does a fantastic job of cleaning counters, vanities and glass, and the odor dissipates quickly. 
  8. Keep your freezer full. Even adding large milk jugs full of water will help your freezer run more efficiently.
  9. Turn of lights/televisions/radios when you leave a room.
  10. Invest in a couple of reusable shopping bags. They are sturdy, hold quite a bit, and won't be immediately tossed in the landfill. 
Do you have other easy tips for those just starting a more Earth friendly life?

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