Bridging the Gap
As I was looking for ways to improve on my focus to be environmentally friendly, I happened on an organization called Bridging the Gap. One of the prominent sections of their website asks you to make a pledge to do five green things. Then, once you've registered for the site, you choose your five green things from a list of options. As you complete each green thing, your profile shows your achievements.
My five? Since I've already accomplished the first few on their list:
- Stop drinking bottled water
- Use compact fluorescent light bulbs
- Wash laundry in cold water only
- Keep thermostat set at 78 summer and 68 winter
- Recycle plastic, glass and paper
I pledged to do the following:
- Eat one less meat based meal per week
- Reduce gasoline use by 1/4
- Drive smoothly/make note on steering wheel
- Use canvas bags instead of paper or plastic
- Air dry laundry (I won't be able to air dry it all, but my goal to start will be to reduce our dryer load by at least half)
Bridging the Gap has many resources available on their web page. Throughout the week, I'll try to highlight these resources.
Eat one less meat based meal per week ....... that is a good one (not that the others are a bad idea)