Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more.
It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.
It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing.
~Melody Beattie
Today, I'd like to look at the first line and try to articulate what it means in a Mother Earth 2.0 kind of life. When I think about how gratitude unlocks the fullness of life, I think about the intense heart-bursting-with-pride-and-love feeling I get when I really stop in the midst of my crazy life and really take a look at and consciously treasure my children. Taking a few seconds to consciously FIND that feeling in myself can change a dull ordinary moment into one that makes the day completely worthwhile.
I also get that feeling sometimes when I have worked hard on a home improvement project and stand back to admire my handiwork. I can look at my property, knowing it's not the largest lot, not the most perfectly put-together home, but recognize that it's MINE and that I love it for what it is. At the same time I can know that although it's a work in progress, it's my home, my haven from the world, and I love it.
When I try to define a "full life" I think of a life in which I don't take anything for granted. Even the most mundane tasks can be a blessing for my family. When I drive the carpool to an after school activity, I know that I am making someone else's life a little easier, and that brings me happiness. When I fold laundry, I can be grateful for having clothes to wash. As I'm cooking dinner for my family, I can be grateful that we have fresh food. When joy and gratitude can be found in the everyday moments of our lives, I think that is the beginning of a consciously lived full life.
Each and every day, I am going to continue to strive to find that deeply grateful feeling. I'm going to try to conjure it up for simple things, precious moments and everything in between.
Lately, I've been trying to meditate in the afternoon for a few minutes. I tend to be a type A personality, constantly on the go, mind racing with the next item on the To Do list. I've tried to just lie down (with a fan blowing in the background for white noise to keep the distractions to a minimum), and I start with a few deep cleansing breaths, then begin concentrating on the things that I'm particularly grateful for during that particular day. Honestly, there are days that it's tricky to pull out items for which I am grateful, but I feel like on those days, it's even MORE important that I try to find something to treasure about the day and consciously attempt to feel the intense heart bursting gratitude in relationship to that event or person. I can't say that I'm successful every day, but I can say that I continue to try.
So, what are you grateful for today?
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